Rhode Island Man To Attempt Double Memphremagog Swim
From our friends at IROC:
Indoor Recreation Orleans County and Northeast Kingdom Open Water Swimming Association are thrilled to announce that Rhode Island swimmer, Ray Gandy, will be attempting a 50 mile international swim the length of Lake Memphremagog between Newport and Magog and back on July 14, 2012. This will be the very first time in history that a double crossing of Lake Memphremagog hasbeen attempted. Ray will be seeking donations of $100 a mile to support our community’s struggling sports, fitness, and recreation center (IROC) as it continues the fight for its very survival. For a whole lot more information about Ray and about the swim, see www.rayswims.com.
In addition to this extraordinary swim, NEKOWSA and IROC also host and support Son of a Swim (June 16), Kingdom Swim (July 7), Seymour Swim (August 4), Willoughby Swim (August18), and In Search of Memphre, a 25 mile international swim the length of Lake Memphremagog (September 8). For more information on these other swims see: www.kingdomswim.org and www.insearchofmemphre.com.
The Daily News of Open Water Swimming has identified Lake Memphremagog and Lake Willoughby astwo of the 50 great open water swimming venues in the Americas based on three primary criteria: “naturalbeauty, the year-round presence of open water swimmers and the camaraderie of the local swimmingcommunity.”