Vermont Sports 2022 August Issue
6 The Start: Ask the Experts?
The top echelon of a sport can be elitist and cliquey. Not in Vermont.
8 News What’s in a Name?
Why it matters that the oldest ski area in America just took on a new name.
12 News: Vermont’s Tastiest Gravel Rides
Gorgeous routes and gourmet spreads are the norm for Vermont’s gravel bike events.
16 Feature: Running Up!
Vermont’s roster of great trail races is growing as fast as its cadre of elite mountain runners.
20 Feature: The Gear Gurus on the Long Trail
When the staff of Outdoor Gear Exchange set out on the Long Trail for a relay thru-hike, we knew we would have some questions. Here’s the gear they loved and what they learned.
28 Featured Athlete: Making Mountain Biking More InclusiveWhen she started riding, Dionne Heyliger didn’t see a lot of people who looked like her on mountain bikes. She’s hoping that will change.
30 Calendar; Race & Event Guide
34 Endgame: You Can’t Go Home Again.. Or Can You?
Once you’ve lived and worked in the Grand Canyon, how do you go back as a tourist?