Page 24 - Dec_13
P. 24
left: tyler Wilkinson-ray interviews Hard’ack volunteer dan Bushey while making snow.
above: tyler Wilkinson-ray interviews 8-year-old ski club racer Chloe Krauss at Cochran’s.
United We Celebrate
By sarah Galbraith
local filmmakers tHere’s a sIde tO tHe VermONt ed ski hills have introduced children and Producers tyler and elliot Wilkin-
ski story that has yet to be told, but that’s families to the thrill of sliding on snow. son-ray discovered skiing as children at
capture the magic of about to change with the new film “Unit- tyler and eliot decided, while driving Cochran’s ski area in richmond. they
ed We ski.” telling of the rise and fall of from race to race, to tell these stories with went on to ski race and instruct at bigger
community Ski Hills in a
this region’s small community ski areas, a film. they knew they were on to some- mountains, but eventually landed back at
New Documentary
the film highlights three of Vermont’s re- thing when their Kickstarter campaign the small ski area as coaches. as many
maining neighborhood ski hills.
exceeded their goal in less than a week. skiers do, they were watching premieres
Contributions came in from all over the of ski films showing big-mountain skiing,
country, and their funds grew with sup- first descents, and heli-drops. But as ty-
port from several Vermont businesses like ler points out, while it’s exciting, most of
Burton and the alchemist, plus a grant
us can’t relate. tyler and elliot felt these
films were missing the more from the New england ski
to catch the interesting story of relation- and snowboard museum.
trailer, visit ships and community that are along with three others, they
experienced at a small com- formed the l3C (a socially
munity ski hill.
minded company) t-Bar
Not unexpectedly then, Films and began collecting
Cochran’s gets a star role in the film. footage.
made famous by the ski-racing success of the final product is a balance be-
the Cochran family, it is the nation’s first tween storytelling, through interviews
nonprofit ski area and has grown from and historical footage, and action-packed
a backyard hill built for one family to a segments akin to the big-budget films ski-
full-fledged program serving the region’s ers trek to each fall. It’s a tribute to the
dense population. With snowmaking, challenges of operating a small ski hill,
lights, increased hours, and progressive like rising costs and changing weather
programming, this hill has produced patterns, and a celebration of the unique-
countless ski enthusiasts and racers.
ness and resilience of these remaining
the second hill to shine in the film’s places.
spotlight is Hard’ack in st. alban’s City, the film premiered in Burlington
which sits on the edge of an urban center on Nov. 7 and will be playing around the
that faces such issues as increasing pov- state, with additional out-of-state loca-
erty and drug use. through a network tions in the works. to see the trailer and
of forest paths, neighbors can walk from show times, visit tickets
their doorstep to Hard’ack, one of the few range in price from $5 to $12, and pro-
places this community has for outdoor ceeds at some viewing locations benefit
recreation. Viewers also learn about the local ski hills. Further funds will be raised
lesser-known Northeast slopes in Or- for local ski hills through donations, raf-
ange, which serves a low-density rural fles, and auctions at each screening.
community, and without it, many might
spend the winter inside and alone. this
local hill, where kids can ski for as little
as $2 midweek, is central to the commu- Sarah Galbraith of Marshfield hikes, bikes,
nity’s health and well-being.
skis, and cartwheels her way through Ver-
together, these community-orient-
mont in all seasons.
December 2013