Page 22 - Dec_13
P. 22
race recap
is so pleasant. the meal at the end is good, and there
is a raffle and prizes, and it seems like the weather is
always good. Fall is my favorite time of year.
ripTon riDge run
VS: What is the meal like?
october 13, 2013
dP: they have chili, pizza, salad, and dessert. I’ve
never seen them run out of food.
VS: How does it compare to other races?
dP: there are a number of other races that I do annu-
tHIs year marKed tHe 26tH rUNNING of ally, but this one seems to have the most people who
the ripton ridge run, an annual fundraiser to ben-
efit the ripton elementary school. In addition to a come back year after year. this year, I got passed go-
ing up the hill by a woman who greeted me and said
5K and 10.4K run, there is a 5K walk and a shorter, she was glad to see me. she beats me every year, but
noncompetitive event for children. a total of 139
there’s no competitiveness in the conversation. she
runners competed in the 5K with an additional 55 took the time to say hello and ask how I was doing.
doing the longer race. donna Perrin, a 54-year-old
everyone is pleasant and people cheer each other on.
massage therapist and reflexologist from middlebury,
finished the 5K in the middle of the pack in just more VS: If you were in charge of the race, would you
than 30 minutes.
do anything differently?
dP: I don’t think so. the organizers do a great job, and
VS: Was this your first time doing the ripton it’s a great atmosphere. I wish they had a bigger place
ridge run?
because it’s tough fitting everyone in the small school,
dP: I missed a few, but I’ve done a lot of them. I just wise every other year), and then there are smaller roll- and it gets a bit hot with all the sweaty bodies, but
love it. It’s a great run because it’s got some chal-
ing hills. the 5K has a nice hill in your first mile, and there’s not a lot they can do about that since the race is
lenge with the hills, the temperature is just right, the then it’s also up and down with rolling hills. they’re to raise money for the school. as far as putting the race
foliage is beautiful, the people are friendly, and the good hills; they’re not crazy.
together is concerned, it’s very well done.
atmosphere is amazing.
VS: Is it a family-friendly event?
—Phyl Newbeck
VS: Is it a pretty course?
dP: It’s very family friendly. I started running with
dP: It’s a great time of year to run the race because my granddaughter in 2009, and this year was the first
of the foliage, but there are also pretty open sections time she ran it by herself. she came back and said it
as well as wooded ones. the 10K has a really nice was really cool. a girlfriend of mine ran it with her Phyl Newbeck lives in Jericho with her
section that goes by a pond and then loops around to son this year. there is also a smaller run/walk for the partner, Bryan, and two cats. She is a
some great views. there’s always a lot to see.
skier, skater, cyclist, kayaker, and lover
younger kids, so there are lots of families there.
of virtually any sport that does not in-
VS: Was the course challenging?
VS: What was the best part of the race?
volve motors. She is the author of Vir-
ginia Hasn’t always Been for lovers:
dP: It’s ripton so it’s a hilly course. the 10K has one dP: I don’t think I could pick one specific thing be- Interracial marriage Bans and the Case
big hill, which is either at the beginning or the end cause it’s all so good. even the buildup while you’re of richard and mildred loving.
(the race alternates from clockwise to counterclock-
waiting for the race to start is fun because everyone
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December 2013