Page 23 - Dec_13
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quecHee	SkI	area: the	Friday strapped skier and rider. Or get the long 
If you WatcH tHe DealS, 
solution is $25 adult lift tickets and $20 weekend getaway that adds a free day of 
children’s lift tickets. Both include $5 skiing or riding with three nights lodging. 
SkIINg caN be a bargaIN!
lunch vouchers at the Quechee Base lodge. you can also get two nights of midweek 
Quechee ski area also has a family season lodging free with the purchase of a three- 

pass for a family of four for just $625.
day lift ticket, and sign up for the popular 
SmugglerS’ NotcH reSort:
Kids stay Free packages, available early 
IF yOU’re lOOKING FOr a Way to stretch your budget on ski outings this smugglers’ learn-to-ski-or-snowboard season and during select peak periods.
winter, most Vermont resorts offer money-saving packages that combine lodging SugarbuSH reSort: 
with on-mountain experiences and create unique incentives and discounts for Week on jan. 5-12, 2014, includes free starting jan- 
rental equipment and group lessons for uary 9, 2014, in celebration of mount el- 
groups, families and individuals.
guests staying three nights or longer on the len’s 50th anniversary, you can ski mount 
Here’s a resort-by-resort preview of how you can save dollars this winter resort’s ski and stay package. entry and ellen for just $30 every thursday (non- 
when hitting the slopes.
beginner level skiers or riders are invited holiday). For lodging, make sure to book 
to learn to ski or ride for $119 per night early to save up to 30 percent. For more 
boltoN Valley: ski and stay packages know kids under 12 can get a free season for adults and $89 per night for children deals and packages, go to
pass with the purchase of a Family mad SuIcIDe SIX aND WooDStock INN 
in the slopeside Inn at Bolton Valley start 3-17 years old.
at just $84 per person. Package includes Card or any adult season pass? yup, but StoWe mouNtaIN reSort: For a &	reSort: Woodstock	Inn	guests	“ski 
ski-to-your-door lodging, lift tickets, it has to be purchased by mid-October of truly one-of-a-kind experience this winter, free” midweek, non-holiday with compli- 
breakfast, and unlimited use of the on- each year. If you missed it this year, plan visit stowe mountain lodge and enjoy the mentary lift tickets at suicide six, compli- 

site sports Center, including indoor pool, ahead for 2014. Keep abreast of mad riv- spa and Wellness Center with spa & stay mentary trail fees at the Nordic Center, 
sauna and hot tub. every monday is 50/50 er Glen’s on-line ticket deals at madriver- packages that include luxury accommoda- and discounted rentals at both locations. 
monday and folks age 50+ can take 50
tions and a 50-minute massage per night, Children 14 & under staying at the Wood- 
magIc	mouNtaIN: magic’s	Holi- stock Inn receive complimentary lift tick- 
percent off all access lift tickets. On per adult.
saturdays, enjoy Bolton after dark where day White-Out Pass allows you to ski dur- StrattoN mouNtaIN reSort:
ets 7 days a week, non-holiday.
night lift tickets are just $19 and flatbread ing the most popular holidays for less. en- lodging packages at stratton include trapp famIly loDge: Visit www. 
slices are only $2.
joy 20 days of holiday skiing for only $279. the One-Nighter with a night of lodging for details on special 

bromley mouNtaIN: Bromley. to save before the season starts, check out and two days on the slopes for the time-
deals and season passes.
com is a good source for catching special the Unrestricted 3-Pack for $139. It pro- 
one-time deals on the cash saving e-cou- vides 3 lift tickets, good anytime, and is 
100% transferable.
for StateWIDe DealS IN VermoNt, Here are tHree to remember:
pons, plus Family Fridays this winter al- 
low each paying adult to purchase kid’s lift mouNt	SNoW	reSort: sneak 1. january is learn to Ski and old? The Fifth grade passport is a 
tickets for just $15 per kid. For a full list away midweek and enjoy a day of skiing 
of deals at Bromley mountain visit www. and a night of lodging at the resort for Snowboard	month: new	to	snow great gateway to the slope with pro- 
sports? January is learn to ski and ceeds going to Keep local Farms, a
about the cost of a one day adult lift ticket. snowboard month, where Vermont non-profit organization dedicated to 
jay	peak	reSort: you	would the ski and stay Package is just $85 per alpine resorts offer beginner pro- connecting consumers with healthy, 
think that after investing over $300 mil- person, based on double occupancy at grams for just $29! The package locally food grown and supporting lo- 
lion in new hotels, chairlifts, an ice arena, snow lake lodge.
includes a beginner lift ticket, rent- cal dairy and food farmers.

an indoor waterpark, snowmaking equip- okemo	mouNtaIN	reSort: Oke- als and a lesson by a professional ski 
ment, restaurants, pubs, a Nordic Center mo’s new partnership with Killington, or snowboard instructor. Visit www. 3. Ski Vermont: Check in to win: ski 
and a spa, things at jay Peak would be Pico and sunapee mountain resort, called in December Vermont’s check in program rewards 
for details.
you for skiing around the state and get- 
a bit pricey, no? last year the “4.0 the College Pass,” is one of the best ting social. Track your turns at differ- 
resort dropped the price of its single-day priced college passes anywhere in the 2. Fifth grade passport: Fifth grad- ent Vermont resorts via alpine replay 
lift ticket to $65, and this season a family country. available to all full-time college 
of four will be able to ski and stay in the students, the season pass is just $369 and ers ski for free! when is a better time to be eligible to win free lift tickets! 
to fall in love with winter in the moun- For more info, go to: 
Hotel jay for just $359/night. Want to add is valid every day of the season with no tains than when you’re 10-11 years
in daily access to the Pump House Indoor blackout dates at all four resorts.
Waterpark in addition to the lift tickets? 

that same family is just $429/night.
kIllINgtoN	reSort: Killington 
resort launches a 4-day adult learn to 
ski package for $249 that includes a two- 

hour lesson, rental equipment and lift 
ticket each of the four days. Upon comple- 
tion, participants will receive a new pair of 

Killington resort branded elan erise skis 
and bindings (msrP $499) along with a 
discount voucher for new boots and poles.
Participants also will receive 50 per- 

cent off all lift tickets and lessons for the 
remainder of the 2013-14 season and all 
of the 2014-15 season. the four lessons do 

not need to be consecutive and are valid 
any day during the 2013-14 winter season.
maD	rIVer	gleN: the	ski	the 
Valley+ Passport lets you ski mad river 

Glen, sugarbush and Ole’s Cross XC 
anytime, on this exclusive universal ‘pass- 
port’. It’s available in 2-7 day packages for 

adults and children with additional values 
throughout your stay at valley restaurants, 
attractions and activities. and did you

December 2013	23

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