Page 26 - Dec_13
P. 26

reader athlete
julIa Sperry

age: 42 | residence: South Burlington | family: Husband, Jim | occupation: Retirement plan analyst | primary sport: Cyclocross







VS: What do you like about cyclocross? I also did one year of road racing, but I 3, but don’t think I can make the leap to quickly and then there’s stuff that just 
I have to admit, I’ve never understood 
only started cyclocross in 2010.
Cat 2 because of time constraints. age cakes to your shoes and can break your 
the appeal of carrying a bicycle. isn’t on my side either. I have friends derailleurs. at the race in maine, they 
js: I actually like getting off and on the VS: How often do you race?
who catted up, but it’s hard at that next tell you to keep your mouth shut and 
bike. I’m the worst mountain biker on js: I’ve done as many as 20 races a year, category. the field is smaller, but there’s make sure to wash afterwards. there’s 
a huge difference between the women one section where you come down a hill 
the face of the planet, but in cyclocross but this year, I’ll probably only do 15. 
you have to learn skills like dismount- you need to find places to stay and peo- in the front and the back, so it can be and the grass ends and you hit pavement 
ing and remounting and suitcasing your ple to carpool with. I enjoy all that, but lonely in the back. Cyclocross for wom- right in front of the barn. One year I lost 
bike over barriers. I practice that over after the 15th weekend, I’m pooped.
en has grown, but they haven’t added control and went through the course 
and over again. also, it’s a very short enough fields. In addition, women have tape and the photos show this man 

season from september to November, VS: you recently competed in the to race with the juniors, and one year in watching the race and looking at me 
so you can concentrate your efforts. I providence cX. How was that? Providence, it seemed like at every cor- with his mouth dropping open and then 
get stronger as the season progresses, js: It was a huge event with 135 women ner I came across a poor 10- or 12-year- running out of the way. my mouth is 
sometimes doing double races weekend in the Cat 3/4 field. the race is the third old, and I didn’t have the heart to bar- glued shut because of the manure. One 

after weekend. I get a little burned out one in the Verge series. the first one is rel around them or scream at them so I year, the course actually went through 
traveling three to four hours for the at Catamount, and not that many peo- waited. It’s not the greatest strategy, but the barn with the cows on either side. 
races, but I like doing the race, getting ple from southern New england come I’m not losing a podium shot over it.
that was cool, but afterwards, we all 
my elbows sharpened, and all that argy- up for that, so I got some Verge points lined up for the hoses and cleaned our 
bargy. When you’re done, it’s just a ri- VS: tell us about your best race.
bikes, our clothes, our shoes, and our- 
there, which put me in the second row 
diculous high.
for starting in Providence. that made a js: I won a race at Paradise Cross in selves. I can get kind of girly at the first 
huge difference since I was ahead of 100 Windsor. that was very cool. It was the mud puddle, but when it’s splattered all 
VS: How long have you been riding?
end of the season, so I felt very strong. over you, you start to feel gritty and ba- 
js: I raced mountain bikes in high school the next day I raced in Putney and that dass. this year there haven’t been too 

when Catamount Family Center started VS: Would you like to move up a was probably my best race even though many mudders.
their Wednesday-night series. We’d show category? I didn’t win. a woman who was faster 
up in t-shirts and shorts and hack around.
js: I’ve already moved up from Cat 4 to
than me dropped a chain so I passed VS: Is it true that cyclocross is mostly 
her. I’ve never raced that hard in my about competition, not recreation? 
life, and I came through at 4 or 5 laps js: that is true. the fall is the one time 

and heard the official say I was done. of year when I go cross crazy. I like rid- 
then the other woman came through, ing recreationally with my husband and 
and they told her she had one lap to go, friends, but I really love racing and the 
so I got back on the bike, but I was com- competition. It’s an intense two months 

pletely spent and couldn’t catch her. I’d and then I get it out of my system. I 
Berlin, VT never raced that fast and been that mo- guess it is an odd sport. We all stand 
tivated before. I truly used everything around before the race talking about 
I had. One of the things I love about tire pressure. a friend calls it dressage 
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cyclocross is that it puts me out of my for bikes. I like to keep it low-key be- rewarding community fitness classes with world-class instructors
comfort zone. I’m a slow twitch person cause it’s too easy to go completely over YOGA	ZUMBA®	PILATES	BOOT CAMP	CYCLING
so the speed and strength of the sport the top with equipment, but I just love 
is not natural to me. I don’t really care the whole package of going to races, 
how I finish, but I like that feeling that seeing the same people, and challenging 

I can be fast and not entirely a turtle. myself. It’s painful. It’s 45 minutes of 
I’m tall and skinny. you wouldn’t look being uncomfortable. you put up with 
at me and see a sprinter.
the travel, the nerves, and the stinking 
porta-potties. Once you get through 
VS: How hard is it to keep yourself 
the start—which is where the accidents 
and your bike clean? happen—I have a lot of fun. It’s like a 
js: I definitely clean my cross bike more high. I get more from that 45-minute 
than my road bike. there’s one race in burst than from a four-hour ride.
maine where you literally ride through 
cow manure. there’s mud that dries
—Phyl Newbeck

December 2013

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