Page 11 - May_2014
P. 11
Elevation profile of race over 103 miles
By Evan Johnson
(Brandon and Middlebury gaps)
• Medio Fondo, 75 miles/6,100 feet
HANCOCK — In the best of European (Lincoln and App gaps)
traditions, a Gran Fondo ride has come
• Gran Fondo, 103 miles/7,600 feet
Green Mountain State this June 14.
(all four gaps)
Italian for “big ride,” gran Depending on one’s level of fitness
fondo describes a cycling event where and aggression, riders can expect to be in
participants ride not for the sake of the saddle four to ten hours with refueling
a podium finish, but for a personal stops available every 25-30 miles. Two Plus, he adds, cyclists are looking England, Vermont is synonymous
Vermont-based tour providers, VBT to try something new. “People are raising with integrity,” says Gregg Marston,
“There’s a romance to Italian Bicycling and Walking Vacations and the bar in terms of what’s considered president of Vermont Bicycling and
things,” says Alex Wolff, a Cornwall Discovery Bicycle Tours, will provide a challenge,” he says. “First it was a Walking Vacations. “Vermont has a very
resident and writer for Sports Illustrated, mechanical and sag support.
century, then it was a gap ride. Now it’s appealing panache and people want to
explaining the origin of the event. “It’s a Andrew Gardner, a Ripton resident a gap century. People are biting off more come here. It’s a panache that people
way of showing an appreciation for all and veteran rider with race experience all and more.”
want to touch.”
the finer things in life in an event where over the United States is one of the event The ride will run parallel to a Gardner says he expects the event
weekend series of events titled “Cyclefest” to attract riders who also participate in
you show off your endurance.”
organizers. Gardner says until now rides
And it is indeed a test of endurance.
in Vermont have typically fallen into that will feature a series of cultural events other early-season rides as well as locals
Starting and finishing at the one of two categories: races or extended in Middlebury, including a series of bike- who ride the gaps in the summer, but it’s
Middlebury College Snow Bowl on tours. While the Lincoln, Appalachian, related art installations, a screening of not a race that’s expected to draw huge
Route 125, the inaugural ride has been Middlebury and Brandon Gaps (known the documentary The Armstrong Lie crowds — at least not yet.
organized into three rides of increasing as L.A.M.B.) already hold prestige among and a talk by Reed Albergotti, a reporter “If everyone who is tangentially
regional cyclists, the fondo promises be a for the Wall Street Journal and co-author tied to this reaches out to their networks,
difficulty. The three distances traverse it should be a really good premier event
two or four gaps with up to 7,600 tough first event of its kind on an already of the book “Wheelmen,” both of which
vertical feet of climbing across the spine legendary course.
discuss the downfall of disgraced cycling and then snowball,” he said.
of the Green Mountains. The Lincoln “This is a formalized version of champion Lance Armstrong.
Complete event details can be
Gap features the steepest paved mile in something that already happens,” says The expectation is that the ride will found on the event website, www.
the U.S. – a grueling 24 percent grade.
Gardner. “If you talk to anyone who’s grow into a yearly event, and highlight The cost to
tied to cycling, they know what a four- the area’s excellence for cycling. “In participate is $75-$100 and participants The route distances and ascents are:
gap ride is. It’s in the lexacon of cycling.”
the eyes of folks from outside of New
can register via
Piccolo Fondo, 46 miles/3,000 feet
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