Page 9 - May_2014
P. 9
1. Otter Creek in Middlebury
(where Mano and I paddled) offers
year-round moving water. Put in
below the falls in town, and work
on ferrying, paddling upriver, and
ogle the drop upstream. This is a
great spot to learn, with lots of con-
sequences, good scenery, and good
sandwiches within walking dis- Above, Ryan Mooney pauses at the top of Bartlett Falls on the New Haven River in Bristol, following Matt Young and Justin
tance. Otter Creek Gorge, north of Beckwith. Opposite page, Alan Panebaker paddles the Green River near Wolcott. Both are class IV and V waters in high flow.
town on Belden Falls Road, offers Photos by Nick Gottlieb
a more prolonged and difficult sec-
tion, with class II+ rapids through wide river levels in one, simple interface. “No, just Mano.” Mano held the gunwales, and a small
a short, bedrock gorge. (Do not do But, don’t read up more than you have “An Estonian name?” wave soaked his glove. He snatched
this at high water as the rating goes to. Get on the water and figure things “It’s an international name,” he said.
his hand back, laughing, and motioned
up dramatically.)
out for yourself — you’ll learn more in “You say it Mano in English, too.” downstream. When we reached the ice,
a few minutes of paddling than hours of He held the paddle in a clumsy fist he ran with flailing arms back up to
2. watching videos or checking levels. Get grip, but ferried us smoothly across his family.
The Mad River between Waits- off the bank, and get a paddle in your
the current. His tongue worked back “Thank you!” he yelled down. I pad-
field and Middlesex is a jewel. The hands. in forth, concentrated between his lips. dled for another hour, watching the river
green water has sculpted bedrock Back under the footbridge, I asked my
He must canoe in Estonia, after all. A fill with snowmelt in the sunny after-
into surprising fins and potholes. new Estonian friend’s name. merganser surfaced in the small scrap noon. The next day it finally overtopped
Though most of the run is suitable “Mano.” of open water, holding an algae-covered
ice to release big plates downstream. I
for beginners in any craft, the final “Oh, like a hand?” I said. “Or Em-
stone in her bill. put in and floated down the high spring
I took us upstream through the rapid.
pitch between Moretown and the
Winooski confluence is an interme-
diate run that demands solid skills, AREA KAYAK AND CANOE RETAIL SHOPS:
a guide, and the right gear. Talk
with the folks at Clearwater Sports
in Waitsfield to determine which ABENAKI OUTFITTERS & GUIDE SERVICE
Mountaineer offers paddle trips and tours CLYDE RIVER RECREATION
section of the Mad is right for you.
Shoreham, Vt. which are open to beginner and advanced Charleston, Vt.
Phone: 802-897-7500 paddlers; canoes and kayaks for sale and Phone: 802-895-4333 rental.
3. Abenaki provides lessons and guided tours Self-guided paddle trips, canoe and kayak
The West River in Jamaica is throughout the Champlain Valley and the GREAT RIVER OUTFITTERS
rentals,fishing trips and bird watching in
Vermont’s most popular beginner Adirondacks.
Windsor, Vt. the Northeast Kingdom.
river. Scheduled releases in April Phone: 802-674-9933
and September make this a reli- APPALACHIAN TRAIL ADVENTURES
able option to find paddlers sharp- Self-guided trips on the Connecticut River, Stowe and South Burlington, Vt.
ening their skills on several miles Phone: 888-855-8655 including rafts and inner tubes.
802-253-2317, and 802-651-8760
of continuous class II. Check on
ATA offers guided flatwater or stream BERT’S BOATS LLC
In addition to sales and rentals, for kayaking.
Jeffersonville, Vt, Umiak provides instruction in standup
release dates and flow information.
Phone: 802-644-8189 paddleboarding, kayaking, whitewater
BATTENKILL CANOE LTD. and certification courses for the American
4 & 5. Arlington, Vt.
The White and Connect- Phone: 802-362-2800
Formerly Smugglers’ Notch Canoe & Kayak Canoe Association. The outfitter also offers
icut Rivers are close to one another Tours, Bert’s Boats has guided and self- guided trips. guided tours and lessons, plus rentals.
and provide similar whitewater ex- Guided canoe trips on rivers throughout VERMONT ADVENTURE TOURS
periences. Though both are class II Vermont.
Rutland, Vt.
at normal levels, the Connecticut Waitsfield, Vt. Phone: 802-773-3343
through Hartland Rapids fluctuates MIDDLEBURY MOUNTAINEER Web: Flat water and white water kayaking
daily. Check with Wilderness Trails Middlebury, Vt.
in Quechee for level updates and Phone: 1-877-611-7802 Tours and rentals for standup and canoeing courses from beginner to
gear rental.
paddleboarding, canoeing and kayaking, advanced levels, plus summer camps.
plus guiding and instruction.
In addition to a full retail shop, Middlebury
MAY 2014