Page 13 - May_2014
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from the top, middle and bottom. Weight: losing its insulting properties on damper 
Four pounds, ten ounces. $200 nights. $219

Osprey Atmos: Good for those folks look- STOVES 
ing to pack light and move fast while stay- VERMONT SPORTS SHOWS YOU WHAT TO PACK 
ing cool. The Atmos has zippered pockets What to look for: In the backcountry, cook- 
on all sides, plus multiple lash-points for ing over an open fire is usually not an op- TO BE PREPARED FOR THE LONG TRAIL 
sleeping pads or other gear and a com- tion. As an alternative, lightweight, pack- 
fortable mesh on the back to keep you able stoves allow you to boil water and By Evan Johnson
cool and dry while you move. Weight: 3 cook meals at a relatively low cost. Find a ithits 273-mile trail, 175 miles of side trails, and nearly 70 shelters, the Vermont 
pounds, nine ounces. $250
model that’s lightweight and fuel-efficient. Long Trail offers hiking opportunities for the day hiker, weekend overnighter, 
Granite Gear Nimbus Trace: This fully “Some stoves will be good for boiling wa- 
modifiable pack has shoulder and hip ter quickly,” says Irvine. “If you plan on and extended backpacker. If an overnight or weeklong trip on the trail is on your 
straps that can be reattached to different cooking more, find a model that lets you spring and summer checklist, it helps to carefully consider what to bring with you.
Packing the right gear, however, is easier said than done. To make it easier, Vermont 
points for a custom fit. From a simple over- adjust the size of the flame from simmer
Sports sought out Nick Irvine, gear specialist at Outdoor Gear Exchange in Burlington 
night to a full week in the woods, this is to full-blast.” 
one pack that can do it all. Weight: Four MSR Pocket Rocket: The compact Pocket for some advice. Irvine, who came to Vermont for college, but stayed around for the rec- 
pounds. $290
Rocket is a canister stove needing no as- reeation, has been outfitting customers for six years, completed portions of the Long Trail 
sembling or priming. Simply screw on the and has a passion for the outdoors.
SLEEPING PADS canister of propane or butane and light it “When I graduated, I wanted to live in a place that inspired me to get outside,” he 
says. “I also wanted a job that helped others do the same. This job allows me to do both.”
What to look for: While you can’t bring up. The downside? Canisters are not refill- 
your mattress with you, a collapsible pad able. $40
Here are some of Nick’s suggestions:
can make for a comfortable rest after a 
day on the trail. Your best bets are either 
foam or inflatable options. While inflat- 
BOOTS weight ratio, giving you good insulating 
able kinds may be more comfortable, their properties at a low weight. $69
comfort comes at a cost to durability. What to look for: When looking for a boot, 
Therm-a-Rest Z-Lite: The Z Lite is a three- find a full-grain leather boot that will give RAIN JACKETS/SHELLS: 
season pad with a reflective layer on one you stability under a heavy pack. “Fit is 
side for added warmth retention. $35 the most important thing,” says Irvine. What to look for: Your waterproof shell 
Climate Static V: This middle-of-the-road MSR Whisperlite Universal: This stove can will protect you from the elements. Find 
“Sliding forward or backward in your a jacket that can collapse into a small size 
pad combines comfort with compactness, burn any kind of combustible fuel – pro- boot when going up or down a hill is a 
thanks to a design that displaces air evenly pane, butane, diesel or even moonshine sure sign that you should not be in those that you can wear with an insulating layer 
under your body. $65 will all work, but be aware that the variety boots.” Care for them by cleaning and like a fleece underneath. Also remember: 
Big Agnes Air Core: While this is an insulat- of fuels that can be used means that you’ll sealing the leather with waterproofing. The higher the quality of waterproofing, 
ed pad, you may find yourself using it year need to clean it more. $140
the better the breathability. 
Before heading out, get a feel for them by
Marmot PreCip: A reliable 
round for its comfort and compactness. As MSR Reactor: Don’t let the small size of the wearing them around your house.
two-layer rain jacket with 
an added bonus, its mummy shape makes Reactor fool you. This stove can boil a li- Mammut Pacific 
it compatible with some varieties of sleep- ter of water in a just over three minutes. Crest: This is a mid- all the basics, including zip- 
ing bags, which have a pocket insert to When you’re done, the fuel canister and height leather boot pered pockets, hood and 
keep your pad under you. $100
stove both store inside the pot it comes with a waterproof fully-taped seams. $100 
with. $169
Outdoor Research Helium: 
SLEEPING BAGS Gore Tex lining and The Helium is a notable 
TENTS an aggressive rub- 
What to look for: In warmer months, you ber sole. Featuring pick for its complete weath- 
won’t need to worry about bigger, bulkier What to look for: Your tent will be your a variety of techni- erproofing while saving 
bags. A summer weight bag can collapse to home away from home, so find something cal features (lateral weight and space. Weigh- 
the size of a water bottle and will keep you roomy, lightweight and watertight that support, feet cushioning and temperature ing just 5.5 ounces, it stuffs into a tiny 
stuff sack. $150.
comfortable in mild evenings. Look for a packs away small and can be set up easily
regulation) in a low-profile package, this 
bag with a comfort rating in the 40 to 45 and quickly. boot is a good fit for the hiker who prefers BACKPACKS
degree range. Sleeping bags are insulated Eureka Apex II: For campers on a budget, a stiffer boot on either day hikes or extend- 
with either down or synthetic fill. While this is a good choice for sleeping on the ed trips. $249
down will be more insulating, it loses its trail as well as in your backyard. The Apex Lowa Renegade: This is a softer, full leather 
warmth when wet. Synthetic bags won’t features a standalone design with a water- 
boot with Gore Tex lining ideal for week- 
pack down as much, but will still be reli- proof bathtub floor and rainfly and no-see- end trips. Its lighter weight makes it more 
able in wet weather. um mesh to keep bugs out and air flowing. agile than stiffer boots. $219
Lafuma Lightway 45: The Lightway is an It’s heavy at 7 pounds, 3 ounces. $130 Aku Tribute: The Tribute is an Italian-made, 
extremely light and compactable bag for Sierra Designs Lightning HT 2: The Light- medium-stiff boot made of full leather. It 
fast-moving trips in warmer weather. This ning HT 2 strikes a solid compromise be- has a no-frills design with minimal stitch- 

bag is filled with 600-fill duck down pro- tween weight and livability. At 4 pounds, 4 ing and aggressive traction for an excellent 
tected by a water-resistant treatment to ounces, this model has two doors and two entry-level backcountry boot. $139
bead condensation off the shell. $100
vestibules, $200
What to look for: Like your boots, this is 
SHIRT one piece of gear that you’ll become very 
What to look for: While your cotton sweat- familiar with, so pick wisely. A good pack 
shirts may be warm now, they’ll be com- should fit everything and tidily organize 

pletely useless when wet. As an alternative, your gear while still giving you easy ac- 
look for synthetic blends of polyester or cess. While external frame packs may have 
wool that will wick moisture from your a classic look, Irvine says the better choice 
Big Agnes Cross Mountain 45: This bag skin and keep you comfortable. Your for most is the internal frame pack. “The 
features a stuff-pocket where you can fit clothes should also be lightweight and dry frame backpacks are just not as comfort- 
able and not as light,” he says.
a sweater or some clothes to make a pil- quickly. The added bonus of the wool op- 
low. Its square shape gives it a roomier MSR Hubba Hubba: The Hubba Hubba has tion is it won’t stink after you’ve worn it a Lowe Alpine TFX Kongur: With its adjust- 
fit, while a pocket underneath will keep an easily pitched hub and pole set-up that few days. “It’s definitely an added bonus able torso length, the Kongur is a good 
your sleeping pad in place. $149 can be configured in three different ways. if you’re a single guy on the trail,” advises
pack to share or even makes a good hand- 
Mountain Hardware Ratio: This light- Weighing just 4 pounds, it also features Irvine. me-down. This pack is fully loaded with 
Rab Aeon Tee: The Aeon is polyester blend features like hydration system compatibil- 
weight bag is treated to be extremely two full-size doors and vestibules to store 
durable and water resistant. The 650- gear. It packs down small and sets up fast, with added UPF protection. $35. ity, internal rain cover and a separate com- 
fill down is treated with a special seal- thanks to its unique single pole design. Icebreaker Tech Tee: This tee shirt is made partment for your sleeping bag. Zippers 
ant called Q-Shield to keep down from
of Merino wool with high warmth to
on all sides allow you to easily access gear

MAY 2014

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