Page 17 - Aug_2014
P. 17

Hut to Hut Hikes 

By Jenevra Wetmore

crossing this brook is hazardous. If neces- Inns include options such as Chipman Inn 
sary, backtrack to Cold River Road, head in Ripton, Blueberry Hill Inn in Goshen, 
east to Upper Cold River Road, and then Inn on the Green in Middlebury, Inn on 
west back to the Long Trail. The trail leads Park Street in Brandon and the Huntington 
past Governor Clement Shelter, which House in Rochester.

makes a good resting stop for the night af- Cost: $300 per person, per day, sum- 
ter a hike of 6.8 miles. If desired, continue mer; $400 per person, per day, foliage.
on to Cooper Lodge to spend the night (an 
additional 4.3 miles).
Inn-to-Inn (Country Inns Along the 
From Cooper Lodge, a two-mile Long Trail); Vermont Fresh Tour

spur takes hikers up to the peak of Mt. This self-guided tour requires some 
Killington at 4,241 feet, where you can shuttling by car, as the inns are too far apart 
A hiker takes a rest on top of stop at the Peak Lodge for a break. Follow or trailheads too remote to walk to. Guests 
Killington Peak.
the Long Trail down to Pico Camp and 2.9 are given several hiking trail descriptions 
miles to Rt. 4 at the Inn at Long Trail. 17.4 each day offering a choice of an easy hike 
GOSHEN/BRANDON — On overnight 
Peak Shelter (capacity 10) for the night. The miles in total.
(under 5 miles), a 6- to 9-mile moderate 
treks, there’s nothing better after a long day next day, continue 6.4 miles to Big Branch Directions: The AT/LT crosses VT hike, or a challenging hike, often a por- 
on the trail than having a roof over your Shelter. If you prefer to continue, walk 103 at the Green Mountain RR cross- tion of the Long Trail. Among these selec- 
head. While trekking in Vermont’s wilder- .4 miles to Little Rock Pond tenting area, ing by Clarendon Gorge 2.2 miles east of tions are options such as hiking Mt. Abra- 
ness may not offer the cozy amenities of which also has excellent swimming at Little Route 7, and 7.7 miles east of Rutland and ham on the Long Trail, portions of the 

high altitude lodges in the European Alps, Rock Pond. In the morning hike 5.9 miles 3 miles west of Cuttingsville. There is a Appalachian Trail to Dupuis Hill, Thistle 
there are plenty of ways to experience con- to reach Vt. 140.
large dirt parking lot on the south side of Hill and Bunker Hill, with views of the 
secutive days on the trail and not have to the highway.
White River Valley.
carry a tent with you.
Cooley Glen-Emily Proctor Trails: The Vermont Fresh Tour features 
Vermont’s Long Trail has about 70 One night
SELF-GUIDED HIKES WITH inns that are part of the farmer-chef co- 

overnight sites and shelters on its 273-mile This hike through the Breadloaf Wil- OUTFITTERS
operative Vermont Fresh Network and in- 
trail open for free use or a small fee. The derness bags three peaks along a section clude: October Country Inn, Red Clover 
Appalachian Trail, which cuts through of the Long Trail; Mount Cleveland (elev. Wonder Walks Vermont Inn (Mendon), Lilac Inn (Brandon) and 
Vermont from Massachusetts to New 3,471'), Mount Roosevelt (elev. 3,520') and the Inn at Baldwin Creek (Bristol).
Mount Wilson (elev. 3,763'). From a shared Inn-to-Inn Hiking Tour
Cost: 4 nights: $775 Per Person 
Hampshire, has trails of its own over 148 This self-guided itinerary can run 
miles. The cabins and lean-tos are well built campsite at the end of Forest Road 54, the anywhere from two to seven days and is Double Occupancy Summer, $895 Foliage.
and maintained by the crews at the Green Cooley Glen and Emily Proctor trails both of moderate difficulty, covering 8-12 miles 
Mountain Club.
intersect the Long Trail. From the trailhead, The Vermont Appalachian
the Cooley Glen Trail turns left and follows a day through forest, ridge and valley ter- This itinerary combines day hikes on 
If the lean-tos and cabins of the LT/ an extension of Forest Road 201. It crosses rain. Among the highlights of the trip are 
AT aren’t quite your style, for a fee you can Silver Lake, Rattlesnake Cliffs, which of- both the Long Trail and the Appalachian 
hire a guide service to carry most of your the New Haven River on a bridge, then fer views of Lake Dunmore and the distant Trail in the central and southern part of the 
gear from inn to inn, where all the creature stays on the north bank of the river and Champlain Valley, Robert Frost’s summer state. This three-night trip covers moderate 
comforts of home await you after a day on enters the Breadloaf Wilderness. The trail terrain with higher peaks like Killington 
ascends the western flank of Mount Cleve- cabin and Interpretative Trail, parts of the for more experienced hikers. For accom- 
the trail.
land and meets the Long Trail just south of Long Trail, the Ripton and Warren Village 
“I’m trying to replicate that (Europe- Stores, and the towns of Middlebury and modations, hikers will stay at the Crisanver 
an) experience as much as I can in the state the Cooley Glen Shelter at 3.4 miles. Maxi- Brandon. There are many hiking options House, the Red Clover Inn and the October 
of Vermont,” says Bruce Acciavatti, owner mum elevation change is 1460 feet. Average Country Inn.
available to choose from depending on abil- Cost: 3 nights $595 ppdo Summer, 
of the guide service Wonder Walks, which The Emlily Proctor Trail turns right ity and conditions of the terrain at the time.
$695 Foliage.
offers hiking, walking and snowshoe tours from the trailhead and ascends an old 
in the Moosalamoo National Recreation 
Area that include overnight stays.
woods road that enters the Breadloaf Wil- 
So if you’re looking to rough it, or derness. The trail leaves the old road, stay- 
ing on the west side of the New Haven Riv- 
prefer a dry bed at night, here are several er, and crosses a small river before making 
itineraries to consider.
a steep and rocky ascent to the clearing in 
SELF-GUIDED HIKES ON THE front of the Emily Proctor Shelter at 3.7 
miles. Maximum elevation change is 1820 
feet. Average hiking time is 2 1⁄2 - 3 hours.
After meeting the Long Trail, the ter- 
Long Trail from Bromley Shelter up 
rain is an intermediate to difficult 5.7 miles 
Bromley Mt. and to Little Rock Pond: to either of the two shelters, Cooley Glen 
Two nights
(capacity 8) or Emily Proctor (capacity 5). 
From the parking lot at Bromley Directions: From Middlebury, travel south 
Mountain off Route 11 in Peru, follow the on Route 7 to Route 125 east. Travel east on 

white blazes of the Long Trail 2.1 miles to Route 125 for 6.6 miles, and turn left onto 
reach Bromley Shelter (capacity 12). From Forest Road 59. Travel 4.7 miles on FR 59 
the shelter, it’s a moderate to rugged hike to its intersection with Forest Road 54, and 
7.6 miles to the 3,260-foot high summit of turn right onto FR 54.

Bromley Mountain using the Long Trail, as Overnight hike on the Long Trail from 
well as the Bromley ski trails.
At the top of the mountain, where Vt. 103 to U.S. 4 up Mt. Killington 
a warming hut is open to hikers, there are One night
excellent views of Stratton Mountain to Pick up the Long Trail from Vt. 103 
at the Clarendon Gorge. Hike over the 
the south and Mount Equinox to the west. 
Continue along the Long Trail to the Peru
gorge and continue on to Gould Brook. Be 
wary of the water level — in the wet season

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