Page 16 - Aug_2014
P. 16

out & about 
By John Morton 


twas a perfect July morning, warm and clear.
tag-a-long attachments. One brave fellow struggled up across the nation. 
After an early breakfast, I put our bikes in the a hill on an antique high wheel bike that was devoid of But the gold standard of athletic fundraising
back of the pick-up truck and my wife Kay and I gears while his companion kept up an impressive pace events is the Pan-Mass Challenge, a two-day trek the 
headed into nearby, Hanover, N.H. We were par-
on a unicycle.
length of Massachusetts, from Stockbridge to Provinc- 
ticipating in the 33rd Prouty, an annual fund raising The SAG stops along the route are a chance to etown, created by Billy Starr in 1980. The event an- 

event for the Norris Cotton Cancer Center. In 1982, rest your butt, get something to eat and drink, and use nually draws 5,500 cyclists from 36 states and eight 
four nurses rode their bicycles 100 miles to honor one the porta potty. But it soon becomes apparent that the countries. This year’s fundraising goal is $40 million, 
of their patients, Audrey Prouty. Their effort raised SAG stops are social events, riders greeting each other, which will be more than half of Dana Farber’s highly 
$4,000 for cancer research.
volunteers encouraging the participants and the riders successful Jimmy Fund. Since its inception, the Pan- 
More than three decades later the event has ex- thanking the volunteers for their support.
Mass has contributed more than $414 million for can- 

panded dramatically to include walking, rowing on On a perfect day (weather-wise) as we had this cer research.
the Connecticut River, and golfing in addition to cy- year, riding the roads of the Upper Connecticut River In spite of all the conflict and animosity in the 
cling routes of various distances. The number of par- Valley is a complete joy. While we may take our beau- news lately, it’s gratifying to recognize that there are 
ticipants has grown to nearly 6,000 with more than tiful, rural scenery for granted when speeding down still plenty of generous people out there working hard 
1,000 volunteers supporting the event. This year’s con- the interstate in a car, riding a bike provides the oppor- to help others. I’m especially impressed that athletes, 

tribution to the Norris Cotton Cancer Center will be tunity to really drink it in. Before long we were back at from legitimate champions to weekend wanna-bes, are 
close to 3 million dollars.
the Richmond School, standing our bikes in one of the contributing more than a billion dollars annually as 
The athletic field of the Richmond Middle School multitude of racks provided and heading for the food they participate in their events. Of course, those of us 
just north of Hanover was a kaleidoscope of color- tents.
who have run or cycled to raise money for cancer re- 
ful cycling jerseys, food tents, bicycle racks and porta While many are justifiably proud of the growth search or a similar worthy cause, realize that the con- 

potties. The excitement and enthusiasm was tempered of The Prouty through the years, and the total of more tribution isn’t all one way.
only by the hundreds of yellow ribbons fluttering from than $20 million raised for cancer research, the statis- It’s a wonderful feeling to be a part of an effort 
the start/finish fence with the names of loved ones who tics nationally are even more impressive. According to that is making a difference.
had succumbed to cancer.
a recent article in Runner’s World, road races in the 
We are accustomed to seeing occasional cyclists USA generated $1.2 billion for charities in 2012. The 

on the rural byways of New England, but seeing thou- New York City Marathon recognizes 317 organiza- John Morton is a former Olympic 
sands of bicyclists sharing the road is an impressive tions as nonprofit partners, while the Marine Corps biathlete and Nordic ski coach. He lives in 
sight. Kay and I observed the entire spectrum of two- Marathon added 30 this year bringing its total to 131.
wheeled transport from ultra-fit racers who resembled Since the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society estab- Thetford Center where he designs Nordic 
Tour de France riders, to teenaged couch potatoes lished Team In Training back in 1988, its runners have ski trails. You can reach him through his 
plodding along on their BMX bikes. There were an in- raised $875 million for the charity. Team In Training 
spiring number of parents pulling their young kids in
has about 39,000 runners participating in 200 events

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