Page 13 - Aug_2014
P. 13

A soggy portage is a frequent part of any trip.

His boat survived with minimal injury gans (wooden boxes with leather straps), 
German Engineered Since 1898
aside from two interior breaks in the fi- an axe, a saw, individual tents, and wa- 
berglass which were repaired with duct terproof duffle bags for a combined 
tape, and broken seat rails which re- weight of roughly 220 pounds, which 
quired a stop at a hardware store. The meant that their portages often required 
seat broke early on Day 6 but the heavy two trips. They restocked their food 
rains of the season came to Macfarlane’s supply fairly often with the last six days 
rescue when he grabbed a child’s large on the trail being the longest without a 
rubber ball decorated with Disney prin- food stop and spent four nights indoors, 
cesses which was floating downstream. two of which were bracketed around 

He was able to sit on the ball until re- their sole rest day.
pairs could be.
The high point of the 39-day trip 
for Brakeley was Spencer Stream and At- Rather than deal with the weight 
tean Pond in Maine. “It was some of the of a tent, Macfarlane brought a ham- 
prettiest paddling and at that point we mock and tarp. For cooking he used a 
were really in a groove,” he said. A less collapsible wood stove which, due to the 

enjoyable day was on the South Branch
wet weather, was occasionally unable FUTURA PRO 42 & 34 SL
of the Dead River in to function. At the half- 
Maine after a torrential way point he reluctantly Patitucci Photo
downpour which turned added a gas stove and Visit
NFCT facts: 
the normally twisty river cylinder. Only three of 
740 miles (160 upstream) 
into a straight line. The his paddling days were 
boat flipped rounding a completely rain-free and 4 states 
corner and it took over a the almost-constant pre- 1 province
quarter of a mile for the cipitation forced Mac- 22 streams and rivers 
canoeists to right them- farlane to supplement 
selves. They were able to his camping with five 58 lakes and ponds 
63 portages (53 miles)
exit the river and spent nights in private houses 
the rest of the afternoon (in one case after being 2000 – Northern Forest 
figuring out what need- found nearly hypother- 
ed repairs and what had mic in a restaurant by Canoe Trail organization 
been lost. They stayed in a pair of “trail angels”), incorporated 
a hostel that night and four nights in motels 2006 – Northern Forest 

hitchhiked to a store and inns, and three Canoe Trail completed
the next morning to nights in picnic shelters.
get a new tarp and tent
Even with the al- 
among other supplies. Hitchhiking back most constant rain, Macfarlane said 
to their canoe, they lost roughly a day of he never felt like quitting. “My lowest 

paddling time.
point was on Allagash Lake on Day 
In contrast to Macfarlane, Brake- 24,” he said. “The forecast said a 30% 
ley was an experienced long-distance chance of showers after 1 p.m. but it 
paddler when he set out on the trail, started raining at 7 a.m. and got heavier 
having paddled as a youngster and guid- and heavier.” Macfarlane became hypo- 
ed month-long trips for his old summer thermic for the second time on the trip. 

camp, as well as doing some solo long “It was the lowest moment,” he said. “It Run like bandits through downtown St. Albans
distance canoeing. “My through paddle was when my motivation hit rock bot- 
was the start of a long involvement with tom.” The next morning it took him SUNDAY
the Northern Forest Canoe Trail,” said over an hour to get out of his sleeping 
Brakeley who enjoyed his trek so much bag and back on the trail, even though 
that he wrote a book about his experi- he knew he was near the end. Despite 

ence. “The following year I worked on his soggy experience, Macfarlane en- Sept21,2014 at 9:00am
a trail crew and I continue to work part joyed his time so much that he has 
time for them.”
signed up to maintain the first segment 
Macfarlane has one piece of ad- of the trail in Vermont.
Race starts on Main Street 
vice for anyone heading out on the trail. Compared to Macfarlane, Sam across from Taylor Park
“Prepare,” he said. “Do a few overnight Brakeley and his friend Andy Rougeot 

trips and see how it works before em- paddled the trail in the QE2. In 2009, 
barking on something that might end up the two college students decided to go To Register, visit 
miserable. Prepare for nearly all eventu- “old school,” heading out in a 50-pound Keyword Search: “St. Albans Raid Half Marathon” 
alities or as many as possible.”
Old Town Penobscot carrying wannin-
For more information: Call 802-524-2444


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