Page 11 - July_2014
P. 11
In the Dog Days of Summer, Head for the Hills for
By Weyland Joyner
Photo by Polly Lynn
swater levels fall and temperatures portunity presents itself in the unchart- meanderings of a high altitude freestone executed backcast—until your line ends
rise on streams throughout New ed waters of our home mountains.
stream through the woods of the Green up half-hitched to a clump of streamside
England in July, fly anglers are con- Mountains (clothing of some sort is also brush. Keep false-casting to a minimum,
Off the Grid
fronted with a choice: break out the heavy recommended).
and be realistic about the amount of line
gear and start throwing streamers for mon- Vermont is blessed with plenty of Because brook trout in these ar- needed to reach fish.
ster pike and bass, or head for the hills in public land, and much of this land is rich eas haven’t been pressured by fishermen Trout will hold in deceptively shal-
search of small stream brook trout.
through May and June the way fish in low water, so don’t pass up spots that
with small streams that are full of wild lower river systems have, a selection of look empty. A few well-presented casts
Summer Heat
and stocked brook trout. Though these
fish don’t grow as large as their breth- basic dry flies in a number of colors and will bring any hungry fish out of hiding.
Trout streams become unfishable for ren in lower river systems, exploring new sizes will usually suffice. Familiar dry fly If nothing bites, keep moving upstream.
catch-and-release anglers once water temper- places and finding uncharted waters can patterns like Parachute Adams, Royal The only special gear worth consid-
atures hit 70 degrees. At this point, dissolved be a reward in its own right.
Wulffs, Stimulators, and Caddis imita- ering is a short, light rod. Most trout fish-
tions will often fool these fish, most of ing in Vermont can be done with a typical
oxygen in the water falls to a level where a Often streams in these areas go un- which aren’t too picky.
9-foot 5-weight, but an 8-foot 3-weight
hooked trout will build up excess lactic acids noticed by anglers on their way to more
during the fight. More often than not, this high-profile fishing spots during the Much more important is keeping will reduce snags and make the experience
fish, once released, is too exhausted to sur- spring and fall, so another advantage of a low profile to avoid spooking fish by of small stream fishing more enjoyable.
fishing backwoods streams is the solitude casting a shadow or disturbing the water Hot Weather Considerations
through wading. In fact, due to the nar-
This doesn’t necessarily mean that and quiet.
rowness and shallowness of high altitude As always when fishing for trout in
fishermen should take up golf, it simply Finding places to fish can be as sim- streams, wading is often unnecessary, as hot weather, avoid water temperatures
means that we must be especially respon- ple as exploring an area you drive by on
sible as summer heats up. A thermometer your way to work, or consulting a topo- most casts can be accomplished from the above 70 degrees. The higher in elevation
is probably the single most important piece graphical map. As always, local fly shops banks. This is a great time to practice the you go, the better. There’s no point in
of gear to have when venturing onto trout are a great resource.
oft-neglected, but crucial, skill of roll- practicing catch-and-release fishing when
the trout is so exhausted that it dies right
streams in the summer.
The downside to this type of fishing after being released.
In the early mornings lower portions of Small Stream Gear
rivers may be in the mid-60s, tempera- Small-stream fishing is about the is that many streams are in forested areas, Remember that brook trout are the
ture-wise, but as the day wears on and with low-hanging branches and brushy only trout species native to the Northeast.
the sun comes out alternatives need to last area of fly angling that can rightly be banks. Tangles and snags are to be ex- They are a precious natural resource and,
be considered.
called a minimalist pursuit: often a pair pected, so be sure to bring extra tippet.
whatever their size, some of the most
of Chaco’s or old hiking shoes, a pack One of the most common mistakes beautiful animals in our shared natural
Fortunately for those of us who with some sandwiches, a fly-box, a ther- novice fly anglers make is having too environment. As such, they should al-
are willing to forgo dreams of 20-inch mometer, and some extra tippet is all you
browns bending our rods in half, an op-
need to enjoy an afternoon following the
much line out. It’s easy to become en- ways be treated with as much care and
tranced by the smooth rhythm of a well-
respect as possible.
JULY 2014