Page 5 - April_2014
P. 5
news briefs
the vitality of the region for generations
recently with the Staying Connected
to come.”
Initiative finding community-based
The nonprofit’s board of directors solutions for wildlife habitat protection.
conducted a national search to fill the “We are extremely pleased that Cor-
executive director position seeking an rie has accepted our offer to build on
individual to lead implementation of
the organization’s 2020 Strategic Plan. the wonderful work of Caitrin Malo-
ney,” said the river association’s board
Thomas’ background in development, chair, Kinny Perot. “Corrie’s strengths
program administration and staff man- and experience running a watershed
agement fit the nonprofit’s expectations association, her strong skills interpret-
and vision, said Warren Cook, presi- ing dense scientific material, and her
dent of the board of directors of the
Northern Forest Canoe Trail, in a press interests in connecting the community
and the river make her a wonderful fit
release announcing Thomas’ hiring.
for FMR. We are excited to work with
“The Northern Forest Canoe Trail her as we continue to focus on the wa-
has developed into a strong, interna- tershed’s health and prepare for future
tionally-recognized water trail,” added climatic changes affecting our entire
Cook. “We are proud of what we have
built and look forward to expanding Miller received her Bachelor of Sci-
our impact under Karrie’s leadership. ence degree from Vanderbilt University,
We will be forever grateful for the and completed a post-baccalaureate
leadership and hard work that Kate certificate at University of Minnesota
Former guide for whitewater kayak trips around the world, Karrie Thomas was recently named Williams provided during her tenure,
executive director of a Waitsfield-based association.
and we wish her all the best in her new before obtaining a Master of Science
degree from the University of Vermont.
Karrie Thomas: New director pursuits.”
She has served as Associate Director
of Smokey House Center in Danby,
of Northern Forest Canoe Trail
VT, and has worked to build com-
Miller takes over
munity partnerships in seven Northern
Vermont towns through the Staying WAITSFIELD, VT – Karrie Thomas, ance focused on sustainable agriculture.
reins of Friends
Connected Initiative, a partnership of
non-profit and state agencies across a whitewater kayaker who has led She has also done independent devel-
of the Mad River
the Northeast fostering wildlife habitat private-party expeditions to Chile, In- opment consulting for farm-to-school
connections. Most recently she served dia, Mexico, Nepal, Peru and through- projects, and hands-on coordination for
as the Executive Director of the Ausable out North America, is the new executive community-supported agriculture.
director of the Northern Forest Canoe Before managing teams in the non-
WAITSFIELD — Corrie Miller, a River Association, a nonprofit organiza-
scientist and dedicated conservationist, tion formed in 1998 that works cooper- Trail association based in Waitsfield. profit sector, Thomas had excelled in
will take over as Executive Director of atively with landowners, municipalities, She takes over from outgoing director whitewater kayaking and co-led expedi-
the Friends of the Mad River (FMR) and government agencies to protect the Kate Williams, who has joined Waits- tions throughout the world.
starting in March. Miller has a strong wild, scenic, and recreational resources field-based 1% for the Planet.
“The Northern Forest Canoe Trail’s
background in non-profit manage- of the Ausable River watershed.
A native of New Hampshire, Thomas vision of strengthening communities –
graduated from Colorado College, both of paddlers and of place – through
ment and, since Tropical Storm Irene “I’m thrilled to be headed back to
devastated the region, has worked as Vermont, looking forward to getting to and spent the past 15 years living in 740 miles of the Northern Forest aligns
the Executive Director of the Ausable know the people and places of the Mad California and Washington states. Most with both my life and career goals,”
River Association in the eastern Adiron- River Valley, and honored to become recently, she managed fundraising and said Thomas. “I look forward to work-
dacks. For nearly a decade before that part of an organization doing such im- community relations for the Placer Land ing with paddlers, volunteers, commu-
Trust in Placer County, California, and nity members, land owners and policy
she lived and worked in Vermont, most
portant and valued work” Miller said.
before that, daily operations for an alli-
makers to ensure that the trail enhances
Perform at
with the help of Gifford physical therapy
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April 2014 5