Page 11 - April_2014
P. 11

Joe Lemnah and Jake Durell of the Burlington Beer Company are seen above in the soon-to- 
open brewery in Williston. At right: Glenn Cummings pours a pint at South Burlington-based 
Infinity Brewing alongside head brewer Murray Seaman.

Rozzi’s Lakeshore Tavern & Restaurant outside a garage near downtown Win- used tank. from here, so much that it’s almost its 
in Colchester and McGillicuddy’s Irish ooski for the official opening of the Four Today, he still works fulltime at the
own style of beer,” he says. “Because of 
Ale House in Williston. The beers are the Quarters Brewing Company. Operating ice cream giant and finds time to brew that, we’ve tried to do our own.”
first varieties to be released, but Seaman in a large garage space with secondhand twice a week – often staying up until 4 Outside of brewing, he likes to read 
says he’s looking to keep experimenting.
parts bought used from Southern Ver- a.m. or later, he says.
about space, physics and Greek mythol- 

“I don’t want to pin myself into mont and Maine, the operation is headed The result is six different Belgian ogy.
saying that we have just one flagship,” he by Brian Eckert.
styles of Patersbier, a historic style of “There’s a weird link between re- 
says. “We’ll find out what the customer Like others, Eckert started small beer once reserved only for the monks ligion and astronomy,” he says “And 
likes first.” at home, brewing on a home brewers that brewed it hundreds of years ago. monks were some of the first astrono- 
Address: 80 Ethan Allen Dr., South Bur- kit when he wasn’t working fulltime Eckert has taken those traditional styles mers and the first brewers. A lot of my 
lington. as a web developer for Ben & Jerry’s. of beer and added his own spin toward beers and their names come from that 

hours: The tasting room is slated to be He became involved with the Green more experimental sour styles of beers.
open to the public three weekday eve- Mountain Mashers and moved into the Eckert says much of the inspiration 
nings 4 – 8 pm and Saturdays.
space in Winooski in April. His quest for his brewing creations comes from his Address: 150 West Canal Street, Win- 
to expand sent him driving in a friend’s interest in Belgian beers and the newer ooski. 
four QuArters BrewiNG
pickup truck to Southern Vermot for oak experimental India pale ales that have hours: Friday, Saturday evenings, Sun- 
The weekend before Saint Patrick’s barrels from the Saxtons River Distilery gained popularity in Vermont.
day afternoons.

Day, a small cluster of people gathered
in Brattleboro to Portland, Maine for a
“There’s exceptional IPAs coming


German Engineered Since 1898


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“It’s all about people”

April 2014	11

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