Page 29 - Dec_13
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calendar of events

SNoW SportS
18	tour De trapp 30k/15k Skate Marathon (Zak 29	bromley mouNtaIN “reacH tHe SuN” 2014 
Cup). A 2 or 4 lap mass start skate race will raNDo race. Mandatory pre-race briefing 
occur on a newly updated FIS race course. at 9:30 a.m. then assemble outside lodge 
December 8 a.m., Trapp Family Lodge, Stowe. pm@ at 9:50 for traverse over to start. 9:30 a.m., 
7	raIlS to rIcHeS raIl jam. The east Coast’s
premier rail jam is back in bigger form than
Bromley Mountain, Peru. 
19	StoWe tour De SNoW. Ski, walk, snowshoe or NeRandoRaceSeries.
ever. A $25,000 cash purse will be earned by run and participate in fun-filled activities for the april
riders making the podium. Lower Highline at family that vary from a Nordic terrain park to 3	VtXc foolS’ race. 5k with fun obstacles and 
k-1 Base, killington. a dunk tank and so much more. Noon, Stowe backcountry shots. Costumes recommended! 
breWfeSt. Local and regional beers for Recreation Path, Stowe. stowetourdesnow. 
sampling, music, food, prizes, and a souvenir 10 a.m., Trapp Family Lodge, Stowe. vtxcski. 
glass. Smugglers Notch Resort, Smuggler’s com,
february ongoing 
23 StoWe Derby. 20k of challenging terrain,
trapp NorDIc cup tIme traIlS SerIeS. 5k race for
StoWe mouNtaINfeSt Demo Day. Top brands down Mount Mansfield’s Toll Road and along classic and/or skate. 10 weeks Dec 31–Feb 
and representatives camp out for the day and the Stowe Rec Path; finish in the village. 8 a.m., 
allow you to try all the latest and greatest goods for 25 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Outdoor 
free. Stowe Mountain Resort, Stowe.
Stowe Mountain Resort, Stowe. stowederby. Center, Stowe.
8	SNoWSHoe WooDStock WItH gmc. Moderate. com,
7.6 mi. Snowshoe or hike to Winturi Shelter 1–8
juNIor NatIoNalS 2014 Trapp Family Lodge. 
via the Appalachian Trail. Montpelier High 450 Olympic hopefuls, ages 14–19 from 
School. For meeting time contact 249-0520, august
across the United States will spend a week 2	Seymour SWIm 3.5. Open water swim of 1.75
15	SNoWSHoe lemINgtoN WItH gmc. Moderate. in Stowe while they compete in a variety of or 3.5 mi. 7:30 a.m., Derby Lake House,
race formats. Times vary, Trapp Family Lodge, 
5+/- mil. Snowshoe or hike Mt. Monadnock. Stowe.
For meeting time and place contact 249- 9
boltoN to trappS tour. Raise money for the 9–17	SWIm tHe kINgDom Week. Swim 8 legendary
lakes of the Northeast kingdom and the 
20	full colD mooN SNoWSHoe. Let the light of the Catamount Ski Cubs youth program by skiing eastern Townships of Quebec over the course 
moon guide you across the snowy mountain. from Bolton to Trapps on a classic section of of 9 days. Swim for one day, several, or do 
Stratton Mountain Resort, Stratton.
the Catamount Trail. 8 a.m., Trapp Family them all. 9 a.m., The Clubhouse, Newport. 
Lodge, Stowe. 
21	SNoWSHoe fayStoN WItH gmc. Moderate. 4+/- 14–16
2014 uS SkI-orIeNteerINg cHampIoNSHIpS.
mi. Snowshoe or hike, depending on snow depth. Sprint, middle and long distance ongoing 
For meeting time and place call 479-2304.
maSterS SWIm. Coached. Nov. 7–May 29. All levels
january championships. Times vary, Trapp Family welcome. First in Fitness, Berlin. Contact 
11	laDIeS NorDIc SkI eXpo. A full day of traditional
Lodge, Stowe. 879-4968, . 223-6161,
magIc mouNtaIN “feel tHe magIc” 2014 
Nordic (skate & classic), backcountry, raNDo race. Mandatory pre-race briefing at trIatHloN
and telemark instruction for women by 9:30 then assemble outside lodge at 9:50 
women. 9 a.m., Trapp Family Lodge, Stowe. for traverse over to start. 9:30 a.m., Magic
race to tHe cabIN. 5k classic point-to-point, Mountain, Londonderry. 
mass start, self-seeded or touring division. NeRandoRaceSeries.
26 WIllougHby trI. 7 mi bike on the CCC 
relay for lIfe NorDIcStyle is a fun-filled, Roads on Bartlett Mountain, a 1.1 mi swim 
Benefits VTXC. 9 a.m., Trapp Family Lodge, overnight event that enlists volunteers to from South Beach to Devil’s Rock and back 
Stowe., help fight cancer by raising money and on Lake Willoughby, and a 2 mi trail run up 
StoWe NorDIc bkl mINI-maratHoN. A fun, awareness to support the American Cancer Mount Pisgah. 9 a.m., South Beach, Lake 
family ski tour for BkL skiers and their families. 
22k, 15k, and 5k. 10 a.m., Stowe Mountain Society mission. Trapp Family Lodge, Stowe. Willoughby, Westmore.
Resort, Stowe. 

The Snow Bowl has some of the best woods skiing & riding in the state!

• Border to border open woods policy to supplement great cut terrain and glades. 

• Supporting a rich history of back-country skiing in surrounding wilderness areas. 

• $30 Weekday passes all season long!

December 2013	29

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