Page 4 - Nov_13
P. 4

race recap
delion Run, which is also in the Kingdom, and the 

Rolling Irish Run, which is similar. I’m signed up 
kingDom run
for the Old Stone House Fall Foliage Run, which I 
think might be entirely on dirt roads. The races in the

auGust 10, 2013
Northeast Kingdom are 
all really scenic.
vs: If you were in 

charge of the race, 
would you do anything 
Run, a 5K, 10K and half-marathon, has been held JD: I don’t believe so. 
in Irasburg to benefit the Northeast Kingdom Spay- As the years have gone 
on, they’ve made an ef- 
Neuter Program. John Duff, of Newfane, finished the ficient delivery of the 
half-marathon in 1:48:54; good enough for second 
race. There are tons of 
place in the men’s 60–69 division. It was the sixth volunteers who do a re- 
year the Newfane optometrist has taken part in the ally good job. I’ve never 
event. Nearly 80 competitors completed the half- seen a glitch. The way 

marathon while 40 did the 10K and 120 took part they do it now seems to 
in the 5K.
go quite smoothly, and 
they also seem to be pret- 

vs: what brings you back to a race 160 miles ty efficient about getting 
from your home year after year? the funds to their cause 
JD: I have a second home in the Kingdom so I tend of spaying and neutering 
animals. They don’t even
to be up there a lot, but I discovered this race when vs: does the out-and-back nature make it good 
it first started and have been coming ever since. The for spectators? waste money on bibs. A tree farm gives them stickers, 
venue is very nice, and it’s a low-key race. It’s typical which are attached with just one pin, and they rip off 
JD: I haven’t seen a lot of spectators. I have noticed the bottom at the end of the run. They don’t waste 
over the years that it’s a family event, possibly be- 
cause they have different race lengths. The core group money on things that aren’t necessary, but they still 
vs: describe what you mean by low-key.
put on a nice show.
has been getting larger as it goes along, but it’s still a —Phyl Newbeck
JD: It’s not overly competitive and not a super- nice-sized race.
crowded race. I’ve done races like the Vermont City 
Marathon, but I’d rather do smaller races with less vs: what was the best part of the race?

of a crowd.
JD: I’d have to say the end is the best because the Phyl Newbeck lives in Jericho with her 
food afterwards is always good. They always have partner, Bryan, and two cats. She is a 
vs: was the course challenging?
ice cream with blueberries. That’s been one of their skier, skater, cyclist, kayaker, and lover 
JD: It’s a very nice, scenic course and probably 90 of virtually any sport that does not in- 
staples after the race.
volve motors. She is the author of Vir- 
percent is on dirt roads. It’s an out-and-back course vs: how does the race compare to other half- ginia Hasn’t Always Been for Lovers: 
with rolling hills. It’s a little challenging at times, for marathons? 
sure, and generally, I’ve lucked out because I don’t JD: I guess it’s pretty similar. I do a lot of Vermont Interracial Marriage Bans and the Case 
of Richard and Mildred Loving.
think they’ve had a bad-weather day for the race.
races so I’m used to rolling hills. I’ve done the Dan-

Sunday, November 10th	Registration and flyer:
Quick on and off exit 4, I-91 I I 802-387-5718

November 2013

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