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sports medicine WINter HIkINg-Safety

By Brad Salzmann 

sOme OF tHe Best HIKING can
so it doesn’t freeze), flashlight or hat and a couple pair of gloves/mittens. 

be done in the winter. snowshoeing, headlamp and extra batteries, at least an extra insulating sweater, vest, or 
skiing, and hiking in the winter open traIl markINgS, one small shovel (such as an avalanche jacket may be lifesaving; fleece, wool, 
up a whole new opportunity for getting shovel), first-aid kit, Coban or Vet down, and fiberfill is lightweight and 
out and enjoying the outdoors. even eSpecIally WHIte Wrap (versatile and lightweight, it compacts nicely. Compartmentalize 
areas that are familiar in the warmer can be used for splints, bandages, and extra clothing in plastic or waterproof 
blazeS, caN be DIf- 
months will look and feel totally new repairs; if space is an issue, Coban and bags for convenience and just in case 
in the winter.
fIcult or ImpoSSIble duct tape can be wrapped around a things get wet.
there are, however, certain water bottle or other rigid container); exposure. exposure to cold 
precautions and preparations that to See IN tHe WINter, at least one saw in the group for can lead to hypothermia and/or 
can keep you safe and happy. the clearing obstructing branches or trees, frostbite. Hypothermia is a lowering of 
aND tHe traIl ItSelf 
following list is not exhaustive, but waterproof matches, a lighter, and/or body core temperature brought about 
an introduction to important safety mIgHt be obScureD better yet, a fire starter and Vaseline- by dehydration, fatigue, wet clothing, 
concepts for getting out onto the trails soaked cotton balls or other fire-starting and cold. It doesn’t have to be bitter 
in winter. think about the things that by SNoW.
supplies (don’t depend on butane in the cold; hypothermia can happen in 
could get you into trouble, and take cold), a tarp, emergency blanket, or at 50-degree weather. signs are shivering, 

steps to minimize those risks.
the least a space blanket; a knife, or extreme fatigue, loss of fine motor 
Hike in a group. Never hike better yet, a multitool (or both), rope function, slurred speech, forgetfulness, 
alone in the winter. the inherent risks or cord (parachute cord is strong and confusion, fainting, and then coma 
are higher and the chances of other lightweight), sunblock, Chap stick, and and death. Watch for the “umbles” finding your way, but always, always, 
hikerscomingalongarefewer.agroup glasses; hand/feet/body warmers are (mumbling,fumbling,andstumbling). always have a compass and a good map of 
size of at least four is recommended. not 100 percent dependable, but can be It is far better to prevent hypothermia When possible, plan an alternate route.
Plan your hike to accommodate the quite comforting in the cold. If there is than to try to treat it. Check each think about your gear.
experience and ability of all in the any danger of avalanche, everyone in other frequently and treat early if any 
group. anticipate that you may be out your group will need avalanche rescue signs. treatment starts with reducing Unless you know the entire trail is 
there longer than planned. leave a plan gear and training.
the cooling (usually wet clothing and hard-packed, and not likely to change, 
food and water. plan on bringing snowshoes or skis 
with someone not hiking with you. staying exposure). Get out of wet clothing, get and poles. Postholing is exhausting, 
remember, daylight is much shorter in hydrated in the winter cold is as dry, and get out of the elements. then 
the winter.
important as it is in the summer heat. take action to warm the body with dangerous, and bad for the trail. Poles 
consider the trail. Plan on Fight the tendency not to drink when it’s rest, hydration, and warmth.
should be telescopic and have extra- 
hiking a trail that is doable for all cold. tramping through snow is hard Frostbite is freezing of tissue. large (powder) baskets. also have 
crampons or other traction devices 
members of your group. low lying work, and cold, dry air saps moisture like hypothermia, it is best to prevent for icy conditions. devices that slip on 
or damp trails can be muddy or wet, with each breath. Bring plenty of it in the first place. exposed skin, 
causing snow or ice to accumulate water or fluid and make efforts to stay wet and/or constrictive clothing, and over boots can be found for as little as 
under foot. steep or rugged sections hydrated. Uninsulated water bottles dehydration can lead to frostbite. some $20. I always take a pair with me in the 
can be dangerous or impassable with and hydration pack tubing might freeze medications and a previous history winter, even if snowshoeing or skiing. 
If you hang them on a carabineer or 
snowshoes or skis. mountain peaks can in cold weather. Water bottles tend to of frostbite increase susceptibility. stuff them in an outside pocket of your 
be windblown and icy. trail markings, freeze from the top down, so consider Unless refreezing is likely, treatment 
especially white blazes, can be difficult carrying them upside down, just be recommendations are to rewarm the pack, they are easy to get to if needed. 
or impossible to see in the winter, and sure they don’t leak. Hot tea, tang, or body part and protect it from further make sure footwear is appropriate for 
the conditions, and that it has been 
the trail itself might be obscured by chocolate in a thermos will help keep you exposure.
treated some type of waterproofing.
warm, but avoid caffeine, as it promotes sunlight reflects off the snow and this includes safety gear.
Stay on course. It’s easy to dehydration. Winter hiking burns more can cause sunburn to exposed skin 
get lost in the winter. GPs and other calories than summertime activities. and “snow blindness” to unprotected these items will help in an emergency: 
electronic gear can be very useful in
this is not the time to diet. Bring and eyes, especially at higher altitudes. Whistle (keep it tucked inside clothing

eat plenty of high-calorie foods to keep Wraparound sunglasses or goggles 
your energy and metabolism high. with UV protection will help prevent 
Chocolate, cheese, trail mix, jerky, and retinal damage, and skin protection A Tenex procedure returned Dawn Blodgett to farming and riding horses.
cereal or energy bars are good to pack. with sunblock (not suntan lotion) will 
Consider cutting bars up ahead of time, help prevent serious sunburn from sun 

as they are hard to cut when frozen.
clothing. exposure.
dress like an onion, the margin for error is narrowed 
that is, in multiple layers. the base by cold, wind, weather, snow, ice, and “As soon as the procedure 
layer needs to be able to wick moisture decreased daylight, but with proper 
away from your skin. merino wool is planning and preparation, can be well was done, there was an 
immediate difference,” 
my favorite, but polypropylene works worth it. If you are new to winter 
well too. the next layer should be an hiking, start on something easy, on a says Dawn.
insulating layer to trap heat generated by nice day, with a comfortable group. 
your body. Wool or fleece is good for this. Pay attention to the weather, the trail, 
the outer layer should be waterproof and each other, and have fun!
Tenex is a new treatment in 
Vermont for tendon pain. Call 
and windproof but breathable. the 
key is to stay dry. “Cotton kills,” it today to find out if it could 
does not insulate when wet and does 
not wick moisture away. try to stay Brad Salzmann is an orthopedics physician help you!
comfortably cool; sweating makes you assistant at Gifford Medical Center in Ran- 
dolph. He has a master’s degree in disaster 
wet, which then freezes and leads to medicine and management, and serves as 
hypothermia. remove layers before or part of the national Disaster Medical As- 
during ascent to avoid sweating and sistance Team based in Worcester, Massachu- Sharon Health Center 
then add layers when less active as setts. He lives in Royalton and enjoys skiing, To schedule an appointment call Central Scheduling at (802) 728-2777 
needed. you should always have a warm
snowshoeing and hiking.
12 Shippee Lane, Sharon, VT 05065 | (802) 763-8000 |

December 2013

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