Page 3 - Dec_13
P. 3


New eNglaNd’s outdoor magaziNe

angelo lynn 
sky Barsch C 
Staff WrIter
evan johnson

art DIrectIoN & proDuctIoN
shawn Braley C 
aDVertISINg maNager
Christy lynn C

aDVertISINg SaleS
Greg meulemans | (802) 366-0689
dave Honeywell | (802) 583-4653
aimee alexander (events)
reaDer atHlete eDItor
middlebury College Nordic teammates get an early ski under their belts on a warm opening day at rikert ski touring Center on saturday, Nov. 15. It was the 
Phyl Newbeck C earliest opening of a New england Nordic ski facility in recent memory, all due to cool November temperatures and a new snowmaking system put into place 
last year. the mostly man-made snow was concentrated along a half-mile loop track with a short drop into the trees — just enough to get your heart pumping 
gear aND beer eDItor
and work up a good sweat on a 55-degree bluebird day. the rikert touring Center is located a couple miles from the middlebury College snow Bowl and 
josh Gleiner C about 15 miles from the town of middlebury. Photo by Phil mclaughlin
caleNDar eDItor
aimee alexander
tHIS moNtH’S coNtrIbutINg WrIterS
Hilary delross, sarah Galbraith, andy Howard, 
Nik Killoran, Carrie mclaughlin, annie Pokorny, Brad salzmann, Peggy shinn

tHIS moNtH’S coNtrIbutINg pHotograpHerS
Phil mclaughlin, Brian mohr, Herb swanson
4	publISHer commeNtary and 
letterS to tHe eDItor
eDItorIal aND proDuctIoN offIce
Vermont sports | 58 maple street middlebury, Vt. 05753 | 802-388-4994
backcouNtry SkIerS orgaNIze for acceSS
Participants Speak Up as Sport Hits Critical Mass
We welcome unsolicited material but cannot 5	from tHe Start lINe 
guarantee its safe return. materials submitted 10 –11 
will become property of Vermont Sports.
5	SportS meDIcINe

Vermont Sports is independently owned and operated by addison Press Inc., 58 maple street, SIgHtS oN
Winter Hiking-Safety
middlebury, Vt. 05753. It is published 10 times 
per year. established in 1990.
Vermont’s 2014 Olympic Crop Credits a Special Home State for Success
22	race recap

Vermont Sports subscriptions in the U.s.: one year 12 –15 Ripton Ridge Run
$25. Canada: Us funds, please add $5 per year 
postage. Other international subscriptions, please call 802-388-4944 for information. POstmaster: 26	reaDer atHlete
Please send address changes to Vermont sports, 58 geary-geary cHrIStmaS
maple street, middlebury, Vt. 05753
Julia Sperry
Our Annual Holiday Gift Guide
28	caleNDar of eVeNtS
Vermont Sports is a proud member of

29	Vermont SportS 
bIkeS, SkIS, aND more DIrectory
preSeaSoN tuNe-up
Getting Your Skis Ready for the Season With a Pro
Vermont Businesses for social responsibility
30	INto tHe backcouNtry
20–21 North Twin Slide & the Machete- 

Wielding Stranger

q & a, a coNVerSatIoN WItH blotto 
ski Vermont
the Green mountain 
Photographer Drew “Blotto” Gray Shares Insights Into Riding Photography

If you WatcH tHe DealS The space deadline for the 

Skiing Can Be a Bargain
Jan. issue of Vermont Sports 

oN tHe coVer:
is Dec. 16.
jessica diggins wins the 24
Women's 20K Classical 
at the 2012 Us Cross Contact 
Country Championships uNIteD We StaND
at Black mountain in today to reserve space!
rumford, maine on january 6, 2012. Photo Local Flimmakers Capture the Magic of Community Ski Hills in a 
by Herb swanson.
New Documentary

December 2013	3

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