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sports medicine 
streNGtheN skatING muscles for the Ice
By Dr. James Ames and Molly McNeil

WHILE FOR SOME, SKATING has you have not had a chance to prepare 

become a year-round venture, the your body appropriately.
number of people lacing up skates for Insufficient core stability can 
hockey, pond hockey, figure skating, result in a “sports hernia,” or an 
speed skating, and Nordic skating will abdominal muscle wall tear involving 

certainly rise sharply over the next few a structure in the groin known as the 
months as the temperature drops and superficial inguinal ring. The symptoms 
we transition from late fall to winter.
of a sports hernia can sometimes be 
For many of us, the first day on 
indistinguishable from those of a groin 
skates will come after a hiatus of at least strain; therefore, any groin strain that 
two seasons and likely greater than lingers more than several weeks should 
six months. Preseason preparation is be evaluated for the presence of a sports 

important for all sports and skating is Illustration by Shawn Braley
hernia. Unlike inguinal hernias, where 
no exception. While skating is a low- a portion of the intestines has slipped into 
impact activity when compared to the inguinal ring, sports hernias are small 
running or even downhill skiing, there difficult to stretch. It is also important shot, or keep your body stable over a tears in the abdominal wall muscles that 
to not overstretch the adductors as this single skate originates from your core. 
are specific muscle groups and joints attach around the inguinal ring.
that tend to get stressed by the repetitive can potentially lead to injury. Most your core muscles include all muscles Patellar tendinitis is another 
skating motions and should be the focus people have seen or used the “butterfly and tendons that stem from the trunk, pesky injury that usually results 
of a preseason conditioning program.
stretch” before. In a seated position, such as abdominals, obliques, and from added stress placed on the quad 
put the soles of your feet together in back. Core strengthening can include 
Stretching should be a regular part muscles, pulling on the patella and 
of your pre-skate and post-skate routine. front of you creating a diamond shape crunches, back extensions, and trunk patellar tendon on the front of your 
Many skaters find that their iliotibial with your legs. Gently push your knees rotations with a medicine ball. If you’re knee. The go-to regimen for any type 
bands (IT bands) and adductors (groin toward the floor with your elbows. you looking for more dynamic stretching of overuse injury is rest, ice, and anti- 
can increase the amount of stretch by and strengthening ideas, visit http:// 
muscles) get tight easily, especially in inflammatories. However, before you 
the first few weeks that they’re back on pulling your ankles closer to your body attempt to hit the ice again, it is also 
the ice. The IT band can be stretched and bending at the waist.
documents/Dynamic_Stretching_for_ important that you strengthen the 
by crossing one leg over the other while Once you have some flexibility Athletes.pdf
structures that lead to the injury in the 
established, you can start to work on The skating motion relies on 
standing and bending away from the first place. One exercise I have used with 
back leg.
stability. Much of your body’s ability to forceful abduction of the hips and many of my competitive skaters is mini- 
The adductor muscles can be more
quickly change direction, fire off a slap
legs, followed by controlled adduction squats on a decline board. The eccentric 
bringing the leg back toward the body’s load placed upon the quads and patellar 
midline. It is important to strengthen 
tendon has been proven to provide 
both muscle groups, as muscular the appropriate load to strengthen the 
imbalances can lead to injury. The knee and specifically target the patellar 
hip and leg adductors are particularly tendon without overloading it. It’s also 
important to focus on as our normal 
great for glutes and hamstrings, which 
daily activities do not demand as much are essential for speed and core stability. 
of them compared to the motion of If you continue to have nagging pain 
skating. A recent study has shown that through the front of your knee, you can 
the adductor muscle strength should 
also try a patellar tendon strap. This is a 
be at least 80 percent of the abductor relatively small brace available at many 
muscles (that pull the legs away from sporting-goods stores that provides a 
the body) strength. This means that if band of pressure that redistributes the 
you could lift 100 pounds with your 
force placed on the patellar tendon. It’s 
abductors, then you should be able to lift important to note that this strap can 
at least 80 pounds with your adductors. help relieve your symptoms, but should 
Some exercises that you can do to work not replace rehab and treatment for 
on these muscles are “monster walks,” 
lateral side stepping in a mini-squat Looking forward to a great winter 
position with a resistance band around of skating—see you on the ice!
the knees; single-leg mini-squats on a 
BOSU ball (similar to a half balance 

ball, mounted on a rigid surface); or 
lateral lunges onto a BOSU ball.
Having access to a slide board Dr. James Ames, MD, MS, Sports Medicine, 
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, lives 
through your athletic trainer, physical near the Connecticut River in Hanover, 
therapist, or fitness center is another New Hampshire, with his wife, Beth, and 
great exercise that closely mimics the their three boys. He enjoys outdoor activities 
skating motions. These activities also including cycling, trail running, swimming, 
kayaking, and hiking.
strengthen quads, hamstrings, and core 
as well. Be warned—this is especially 
challenging if you’ve been off the ice for Molly McNeil, M.Ed, ATC, OTC, Sports 
a while!
Medicine, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical 
Center is from Berlin, Vermont. She enjoys 
There are some injuries that are playing softball, hiking, yoga, paddling on 
more commonly experienced in the LakeUmbagoginnorthernNewHampshire, 
early part of the season, especially if
and playing with Sadie, her family black lab.

November 2013

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